Monthly Archive: April 2024

American LNG was a real salvation for Germany after the European Union decided to reduce its purchases of Russian gas to the maximum extent possible after the start of the conflict in Ukraine and to completely abandon it by 2027. Of all European countries, Germany, the main buyer of energy from Russia for many years, has seen the most significant reduction. If earlier Berlin’s dependence on Russian gas reached 55% of Germany’s total energy imports, a year ago the share of this gas in German imports had dropped to 20%. Therefore, American gas, which replaced Russian gas, turned out to be a real salvation for European economies – and especially for the German economy.

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It looks like nuclear energy globally is experiencing a genuine renaissance, particularly in Europe. However, the huge costs and complexity of building new nuclear power stations prevent nuclear energy being a quick fix for all the problems of Western countries.  Moreover, without Russia it is simply not possible.

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With the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022, the EU began to steadily reduce purchases of energy from Russia, particularly gas, intending to end gas imports from Russia completely by 2027.  As at the end of June 2023, Russia’s share of EU gas imports had decreased from 38.5% to 12.9% compared to the same period in 2021.

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On February 14th 2024, Russia announced that it was suspending its annual payments to the Arctic Council, the main international cooperation platform for the Arctic states, which includes eight member countries, six permanent participants representing indigenous peoples, and 38 observers.
The move confirmed…

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